HUD CoC Local Competition NOFO

The Kings Tulare Homeless Alliance is pleased to release the 2023 CoC local Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)! The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition NOFO on July 5, 2023 and we strongly encourage everyone interested in pursuing funding to read it in its entirety. Applications for the local competition must be submitted to the CoC via e-snaps as well as email to by Tuesday, August 15, 2023 and the collaborative application is due on September 28, 2023. All applicants must attend the Project Applicant Webinar on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 2:00pm. The meeting will be recorded, but it is very strongly encouraged that you join it live. Click here to add the webinar to your calendar. A full timeline of the competition is available in the NOFO.

If you have any questions regarding the 2023 HUD CoC competition, please contact Stacy Voss and Dreama Shreve at Thank you and best of luck in your application!

KTCoC Membership Drive

The Kings Tulare Continuum of Care on Homelessness would like to invited individuals and organizations to join us in the fight to end homelessness in the bi-county region by becoming a member of the CoC. Membership comes with many benefits including participation in strategic planning, the ability to vote on CoC business, access to webinars and trainings, and more. If you have any questions about membership to the CoC or require special assistance to fill out the application, please reach out via email. For more information on membership, including pricing, the membership meeting schedule, and the membership form, please check out our Membership Page.

HHAP 3 Preliminary Funding Recommendations

The KTHA Rating and Ranking Committee met on Thursday, May 12 to score applications for the local HHAP 3 Request for Proposals. Six applications were received requesting over $3.5 million in funding. Below is the Rating and Ranking Committee's preliminary funding recommendations:

Agency Project Recommended Funding
Kings United Way HMIS $95,000.00
CSET Youth Action Board $159,249.78
Turning Point of Central California Porterville Welcome Center $460,035.00
Self-Help Enterprises Eden House $460,035.00
Stardust, KTHA LLC Stardust $306,690.00
KTHA (non-competitive) Administrative Costs $111,470.00
Elevate Community Services Elevate Rental Assistance Project $0

The Rating and Ranking Committee's recommendations will be presented to the KTHA Board of Directors for final approval on June 9th and presented to KTHA Membership on June 23rd.

KTHA would like to thank all agencies who submitted project applications and the Rating and Ranking Committee for their dedication to determining how scarce dollars are distributed in Kings and Tulare County.

Central California Legal Services (CCLS) Training Series

We are so excited to be partnering with Central California Legal Services (CCLS) to provide a 6 part training series on their Homelessness Prevention Project and the services they provided. Below is the list of trainings including recordings and slides.

Intro Training (February 24, 2022)

Habitability and Repairs (April 18, 2022)

Rent Increases and Notices (May 16, 2022)

Eviction Process (June 20, 2022)

Stays of Execution and Set Asides (July 18, 2022)

Lease Agreements and Deposits (August 15, 2022)